Lubomír Typlt & Adam Štech

Adam Štech (1980) invites the viewer into an alternate reality where recognizable characters are stretched, reextended and reassembled into deformed images of their former selves. The Czech painter began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague where he began to explore the techniques of Baroque,Expressionist and Cubist styles and combined them to create his own approach to modernist art. His distinctive approach is characterised by collaged and caricatured figures set in the humorous - and inevitably peculiar - circumstances of his alternative reality. In the last decade or more, Lubomír Typlt (1975) has become a quintessential figurationist who has abandoned the initial ambiguity of his painterly expression, originally dealing with machines and mechanical meta-constructions alongside his depiction of human figures. He was thus able to develop his own conception of the human being more consistently and emphatically, which he divided into gender-opposite positions, into paintings with women and paintings with men, among which no work has yet been produced in which both sexes appear together.
DSC Gallery is delighted to introduce the exhibition “Sow Leashes & Reap Dogs” with works by Adam Štech (*1980 Podbořany, Czechoslovakia) and Lubomír Typlt (*1975 Nová Paka, Czechoslovakia). The exhibition is curated by Domenico de Chirico. This humorous exhibition title appears to be an unmistakable evocation of the infinite possibilities of expression in the context of the desirable, necessary and profound mobilization of all the psychological and physical energy inherent in human beings. In this way, an original, authentic, remarkably personal and expressive language can be detected, which is meant to interact with the vitality of the viewer's sensory experience.